Where Are My Trailblazers?

Hi there world-changer
 this one’s for YOU!

In the fast-paced chaos here's a few little ways to KEEP IT GOING đŸ”„đŸ”ŠđŸŒȘ.

  • Chart New Paths: If you’ve hit a sudden slowdown in your project timeline, don’t backtrack. Instead, brainstorm a fresh approach. Maybe it's a strategy you read about last week or a software tool you've been curious to try. Action: Re-route yourself: The next time you face a detour or roadblock on a project, try this: 1) To get your brain unstuck, write non-stop for 15 minutes. Write down anything and everything that comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be about the project itself. 2) Once you dump on the page, phone a friend whose faced similar roadblocks and ask them about workarounds to your bottleneck. One time I did this and my “Phone-a-friend” asked me just one simple question that jolted my way of thinking and altered the course of my project for the better. It was immediate and sublime.

  • Solution Spotlight: Struggling with a daunting task? Go beyond the surface. Perhaps there's an overlooked resource or a workshop that can light the way. Action: Dedicate one hour this week to a deep-dive into the problem and some possible solutions. Double-the-fun: Learn everything you can about your problem and solution and then invite a few friends to a zoom call where you can “present” your findings. This is called a “Teach-Back” and it’s one of the best ways to learn a new topic - by teaching it “back” to others.

  • Team Troubles? Remix Roles!: Clashing with a colleague? It might be the perfect time to reassess and realign team strengths. Switch things up! Action: Schedule a team-building session or workshop to re-energize and refocus. Who are your best cross-trained team members? Don’t have any? Time to take the training up a notch so your team can handle more - just like you.

  • Embrace Emotions: Dealing with a personal setback? Channel those emotions. Write, speak, or create directly from the heart of your hurt and use it as a catalyst for your next passion project. Action: Be like Adele (not kidding here). Did you know that every time Adele has a setback or a breakup her fans start cheering! It’s true! All of her BEST hits were born from her worst times. Her heartbreaks have been the precursors to these soulful jams:

  • Someone Like You (from her album “21”)

  • Set Fire to the Rain (Same album and a reflection on her being betrayed)

  • Rolling in the Deep (“21” @heartache @heartache @heartache)

  • Hello (From album “25” and about reaching out to her past self)

    Embrace your dark emotions and allow them to guide you on your creative path. The entire world may thank you one day.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Overcame a challenge recently? Don't breeze past it. Acknowledge your growth, dance a jig and let it boost your confidence. Action: Set monthly milestones. When you reach one, make it a practice to “take the win,” and celebrate. Treat yourself! Dance. Sing. Woop it up with your BFF. Why not? No one is gonna do it for you. Haven’t you heard? You’re your own best thing! Jump on in and let this energy carry you through your next challenge.

  • Pressure's Promise: Tough times? They're not setbacks; they're “set-ups” for your most prolific, yet-to-be-revealed achievements. Keep pushing! Action: Every time pressure mounts, pause, breathe and reflect on past successes to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. You’re a world changer (right?) why else would you even be reading this article? Let the tough times become the fuel that propels you forward. Even if your fuel looks like, “Well, now I know what NOT to do next time,” that’s a WIN!

  • Change as Your Catalyst: Uncertainty might seem daunting, but it's rife with possibilities. Every shift in the status quo is a fresh slate waiting to be painted upon. Action: Embrace change. Attend a seminar, read a book, or simply have a conversation about embracing the 'new'. I know we typically don’t LIKE change - but hey, change, uncertainty and adversity are all three spelled the same way: ‘OPPORTUNITY.’

  • Resilience Fuels Reinvention - Embracing adversity as a catalyst for profound transformation is what crafts legends from ordinary lives. Your resilience is not merely about rising after a fall; it's about evolving into an even stronger, more extraordinary version of yourself. Consider taking a moment to reflect on the challenges you've faced and how they've sculpted you into who you are today.

    For instance: The tumultuous separation of my parents during my childhood has become a cornerstone of how I nurture my own family and cherish my partner today. Experiencing the heartbreak of our family's disintegration was like surviving an explosion that changed everything. Now I channel the intensity of those emotions into being present and accountable in my own family life. I am committed to learning from the past, not repeating it. The outcome? My family and I share a profound bond, rooted in openness and honesty. From the depths of that pain, I've reimagined myself and my family life. Action: It is through resilience that we find our path to rebirth and growth. Write down what you’ve done differently (better, more, different) because of what was done to you. Who has benefitted from your post traumatic growth and why?

    GUESS WHAT? Apparently you’re in the reinvention business
look who's growing - YOU ARE!

  • Trails Blazed!

  • World-Changed!

  • People Helped!

To sum it up: Each challenge hides an opportunity. It's time to unravel, seize, and shine. With the winds of change as your ally, remember that every setback is setting up your success story! đŸ’Ș🌠 You’re MY kind of person. You’re walking your talk and changing the world for those coming behind you. -Cindy (I’m over here cheering for you)


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