How I Went From Patient to Changemaker (you can too)

In the transformative words of Maya Angelou, "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." This perfectly captures the essence of a personal journey, full of uncertainties and opportunities.

As a licensed therapist, author, survivor, and trailblazer from Southern California, I've experienced these ebbs and flows firsthand. My mission is to help you ‘grow through what you go through’ and then, as my husband Darin says, TURN THAT SH*T INTO MONEY. How do you do that? I’m glad you asked! Together, we will help you DEAL & HEAL with what happened to you and then turn it into a platform for success. (Hooray!)

I've faced many challenges, from battling severe diagnoses as a pregnant cancer patient to navigating the complex world of mental health as a clinician. Experiencing heart, liver, and lung failure due to life-saving cancer treatments reinforced the vital role of resilience. It's not just desirable; it's essential for survival. But merely surviving isn’t enough—thriving as in “Hell Yeah, I’m glad to be alive” sort of thriving is the goal. : ))

Post-traumatic growth—the ability to rise from the ashes of our experiences and grow stronger—can transform our lives, relationships, and perspectives. This idea forms the core of my Resilience Curve model, which maps out four stages of emotional response to major life changes AND what your path to success will look like.

The Resilience Curve Model

  1. Ground Zero: Life As Usual and then…a life event happens that rocks your world and starts your journey of growth and grit.

  2. The Tar Pits: You descend into The messy middle of your situation and it’s TOUGH! Divorce, Death, Diagnosis - ugh.

  3. The Climb: Once you realize you can’t, won’t, will NOT live in the pit of your problems (after enough pain has hit you), you start the climb and guess what? Your transformation is fully underway! “Feel and Deal” is happening!

  4. Your Dreams: Amidst the messy-middle of the tar pits you have grown strong! This is where you become a CHANGEMAKER too and you can start to Turn That Sh*t Into Money! : ))

Problems + Pain -> Resilience (via Tenacity) -> Fortitude -> Flourish -> Expansion = YOU!

As Nelson Mandela said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." This journey, though tough, offers incredible chances for growth and discovery. It’s about using resilience to navigate life’s storms and finding joy and strength (IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL THE MANURE) along the way.

Ready to Start Your Transformative Journey? 🌟

Here are some strategies to help you along the way:

  • Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities you love, exercise regularly, and prioritize sleep to better handle stress. Also, eat ice cream and sleep late from time to time.

  • Cultivate a Positive Outlook: Keep a gratitude journal to foster optimism and shift your perception of stressful situations. Crying and screaming at God can help you with this.

  • Build Strong Connections: A solid support network of friends, family, or groups can boost your courage AND this also becomes the time to clear out the relationships that bog you down.

  • Seek Professional Support: Don’t hesitate to get help from therapists or counselors when overwhelmed. We got you!

Resilience Curve


Join Me on This Journey

Through my best-selling book, When Grief is Good, and my therapy and coaching practice, I’m here to guide you. Let’s embark on this journey together, carving out your unique path and navigating change with courage and resilience. 🌈

Reach out and join me on this expedition.

Let's carve your unique path and learn to navigate the terrain of change with fortitude and courage.

Let's revolutionize resilience, initiate your transformative journey, and enable you to rise from the ashes of adversity to reach your fullest potential.




Unraveling the Ties That Bind: Confronting Codependency in the Shadow of Addiction and Dysfunction