Holiday Hater?

This may apply to you, too.

Dec 5

Written by Cindy Finch

So, here's a funny thing: turns out, I'm not the biggest fan of the holiday season. Yup, I said it!

The other day, I flipped to December on my calendar and found these hilarious pink post-it notes I'd left for myself last year. They were like warning signs from Past Me to Future Me (which is now Present Me, but you get the gist). The notes were a hoot:

"Cindy, remember, December is tough.
Take it easy.
Don't expect too much.
Be nice to Darin."

Reading these, I cracked up! But they also made me think. I realized (again) that I'm sort of a Holiday Hater. Now, wait - before you label me a Grinch, hear me out!

Sure, there are great things about the holidays:

  • Family time (love it!)

  • My son Zach's birthday on Dec 26 (Happy Birthday, Zach!)

  • Delicious food and snazzy decorations

  • Giving and sharing love

  • California winters mean sweater and boot season!

But, here's my not-so-favorite list:

  • Short, cold days (I mean, come on, dark before 5 PM?)

  • Seasonal blues are a real thing

  • Some tough memories, like “cancer-versaries”

  • Remembering loved ones who are no longer with us

  • Tight budgets and the pressure of holiday expectations

And not to forget, I'm just not a fan of Christmas music.

So, seeing those notes made me laugh and also helped me gear up for a better December.

I gave myself permission to be okay with not being okay;

that felt like a big relief!

Now, let's break down what Past Me advised, and maybe you can use these tips too:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings - It's okay to feel how you feel about the holidays.

  2. Take it easy - No need to rush or pressure yourself.

  3. Keep expectations low - Trust me, it helps.

  4. Be nice to your loved ones - In my case, Darin loves the holidays. I might not be Mrs. Christmas, but I can still make it fun for him.

Been married to Darin for 25 years, and even though I can be a bit of a Scrooge to his Santa Claus vibes, we're making it work!

So, to all the Holiday Haters (or not-so-enthusiasts), let's try to take the holiday season in stride. Remember, it's okay to feel a bit grumpy about it, but let's not rain on everyone else's parade too much.

Got any of your own "Why-I'm-Not-Jolly-This-Time-of-Year" stories? I'd love to hear them! It's always good to know we're not alone in this - drop me a line at

Oh, and one more thing - if you're curious about how resilient you are (especially around the holidays), why not take my Resiliency Assessment? It's a great way to check in with yourself and see how you're doing. Sign up and let's explore your resilience together!

Wishing you a Merry (or not-so-Merry) Christmas,

Cindy a.k.a Moody Judy :)))


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