Book Cindy to Speak

Cindy offers motivational training for teams in and out of the workplace, improving productivity and engagement with her message of making an epic comeback!

cindy finch motivational speaker

Glenn Llopis

Presentation Topics

  • This experiential presentation is GREAT for organizations looking to help their leaders and teams to level up.

    Focused on conquering our own “inner resistance” such as our limiting thoughts, beliefs, and inner-voices, this talk will help your staff and leaders improve by learning how to effectively lead themselves.

    This talk shows organizations how to create bold, risk-forward leaders who are not afraid to champion their own needs for:

    • Non-work-related reflection around what fears / obstacles they bring to their work

    • Knowing what holds them back personally so they can understand how it affects them professionally

    • Identifying their personal, internal villains and learn how to manage and overcome the resistance they find within themselves as a result

    Then I will amplify and broaden how overcoming all of this can positively impact their leadership ability within their team.

    “The real key is for leaders to understand that getting their relationships right is the key to getting all of life right – and that begins with the relationship they have with themselves.”

    After hearing me speak, your event participants will be able to:

    • Identify their inner resistance, understand where it comes from, and know what to do with it, so it no longer holds them back

    • Develop strategies to effectively manage all the relationships in their lives (including the one they have with themselves)

    • Trust themselves and their team to take risks together and utilize their failures and challenges as a launching pad for growth

    • Move forward with increased creativity and confidence in themselves and the Organization

  • This talk gets under the four key tasks of successfully navigating difficult people at home and at work. Perfect for general audiences, family groups, those interested in bettering their relationships, and work teams.

    After hearing this presentation audiences have commented:

    “I learned to work smarter, not harder with that coworker who I use to dread seeing at work.”

    “I FINALLY understand what to do with that person who use to take over my thoughts and keep me awake at night.”

    “I now understand how to handle my shitty coworker.”

    “I feel relief, like a huge exhale now, when thinking about seeing that certain relative at Christmas. I’m no longer worried about being in the same room with them.”

    “I have stopped feeling guilty about not having a closer relationship with my mom. Cindy’s talk helped me see that the BEST way to relate to her is to have relational circle boundaries.”

    “I no longer hate managing this person on my team.”

    “Wow, I can get along with my ex-wife now. What a miracle.”

    “After hearing Cindy speak, I am able to enjoy my new wife’s adult kids without feeling like I have to control or avoid them. I also don’t feel jealous of them anymore, so my wife and I are enjoying each other even more.”

  • This inspiring presentation takes audiences through specific, non-obvious ways to turn life and work into something worth having.

    Audience members can expect to learn concrete ways to pivot themselves from living a mundane life simply because they HAVE to (that’s what’s expected of them), and move instead towards working as the creator of their own life-worth-living where they GET to show up for the things that matter to THEM.

    Using personal stories, evidence-based clinical skills, and a sequential process for transforming your life into true success, Cindy is your seasoned guide on the path to purpose and fulfillment.

    This presentation is great for individuals who have faced difficult challenges, people starting over, grief groups, faith-communities, and leaders who have lost their vision.

  • This presentation is for those who are hopeful that what they have lost and gone through will not be the end of them. Great for general audiences and those wanting to take their next steps after a challenge.

    This presentation shows how moving through our losses (though painful) actually causes us to grow and thrive.

    Through the framework of post-traumatic growth, Cindy shares how trauma, tragedy ,and challenges are actually the EXACT teachers we need to help us build the lives we have always wanted.

    Although none of us would choose tragedy or loss as a teacher, Cindy teaches audiences how to face the dark night of their soul and to emerge transformed and ready to help others do the same.

    By coming face to face with the worst parts of our lives, accepting (not avoiding) our brutal reality, and then learning how to extract the valuable lessons, audience members can learn how to leverage the powerful forces of pain and adversity with grit, resilience, and determination.

    As a result, Cindy’s audiences are able to uncover their life’s purpose, deep meaning, and higher callings—becoming who they have always wanted to be.

Choose from a variety of topics tailored to your audience

  • "I attended one of the best talks I have ever witnessed, courtesy of Cindy Finch. Finch is a captivating speaker who tells the truth about life. She speaks with passion and humor, and always "keeps it real" with you. Her message weaves a personal case to her audience to take their relationships, their health and their lives seriously PLUS living tools for how to do that. Some speakers inspire for a moment; Cindy Finch ignites the spark for shifts, movement and change."

    Kayla Redig-Louis, Director and Producer, Vincible the Documentary

  • “I did not know what to expect when Cindy started her presentation. About halfway through, most of the audience (including myself) were snapping pictures of her slides with our mobile phones. Yes, it was that captivating! She’s a genius at bringing fundamental science into reality and, more importantly, into an actionable and solutions-based approach...”

    “TO,” attendee, Wells Fargo all-hands meeting

  • “I found myself cheering for her as she spoke, saying Go-Go-Go! We need her message of ‘I can be my own change’ now more than ever.”

    Ron Hall, MA Environmental Health Services Manager, and event coordinator Rotary

  • “Cindy has a gift. Lives were changed, and steps were taken. Can’t thank her enough for her work.”

    Randy Moratis, MA, Interventionist, Counselor, Director of Lifelines

  • “The patient-turned-healer-turned-leader in Cindy Finch blew us all away. Her humor, gritty realism, and ability to cast a vision of hope and healing were just what we needed.”

    Laura M., Mayo Clinic

  • "Cindy, Thank you again for your wonderful wealth of expertise, experience, and education for our BALM add incredible value with what you offer. I know many of us were inspired by your presentation and sharing this evening. So many family members and coaches had such engaging questions and comments. I am very grateful for our connection."

    Colleen Bertolino, CRC

Hire Cindy to speak at your next ... 

  • Business conference

  • All-hands business meeting

  • Corporate training

  • Industry trainings 

  • Faith community event

  • Women’s leadership and empowerment conferences

  • Virtual webinar (for clubs, groups, teams, etc.) 

Upcoming events

  • The Resilience Curve - The Enclave Real Estate Team, MN

    9.19 9:00AM-1:00PM

    How successful leaders and teams rise and flourish.

  • The Resilience Curve - Highland Meadows Counseling, MN

    9.20 10:00AM-12:30PM

    How successful leaders and teams rise and flourish.

  • Speaking Engagement TBA - Oakland, CA

    Date: TBD

  • The Leadership in the Age of Personalization Executive Summit

    10.17 8:00AM-5:00PM (MT)

    Staying Relevant for Professional Success: Exploring the Importance of Individual Resilience